December 19- ugh, woke up today with a pretty bad headache. It is usually bad news when I wake up with a bad one, and generally turns into a migraine. I am sure it is stress of my appointment , plus my little one was up more then usual. I have found that when I don't get enough sleep I my headaches increase. Praying for some much anticipated answers today!
December 20- I had my first Greater Occipital Nerve Block done yesterday down at the Cleveland Clinic. I definitely had more relief from the trigger point injection my own GP did in her office than in this nerve block. I honestly don't think it did anything except cause me pain in the back of my head. Right now I am just sore at the injection site still. I am wondering how long it will take for me to notice a difference?
OK, so my appointment was FINE. I sat and waited A LOT. They did a million eye exams, dilated my eyes and then did more exams. After 2 hours of being there,
Then the actual Optical Neurologist came in, listened to me describe my pain and told me that I do indeed show examples of Occipital Neuralgia, but not completely. He gave me a steroid shot in my occipital nerve and if it works then I have a form of Occipital Neuralgia and I will need to go back every 3-6 months to get this shot. He said that the majority of my symptoms sound like a condition called , get this, CHRONIC DAILY HEADACHE. Uh, yeah. I felt like face-palming. I wasn't crazy about the care that he gave me. He didn't explain anything, give me any advice, or tell me what to expect. All he did was tell me "OK, I am going to reassure you, this isn't going to hurt ME at all!". Thanks a lot jerk. He told me that I should actually be going to the Headache Center here at the clinic and gave me a name to refer to. Told me that I should be changing my medication to something that more accurately and better treats CDH. Unfortunately it is a neurological condition and one that I will have to live with but with better pain management.
To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I guess I was hoping I he would find an explanation for the headaches. Why one day I just woke up with one and it never went away. Why?! It seems like there should be a reason for all my suffering, don't you think? My next step in treatment is looking at my sinuses some more.... I have 2 more days on my antibiotic to see if my sinus infection clears up. If not off to the ENT I go for probable sinus surgery.
Thanks to a suggestion from a friend on my Support Group, I put ice on it last night and wow, that fell good! The Neurologist told me that the shot was either going to work or not. No in between. I am thinking that it didn't work on me. I still have my headache behind my eye like always, and he did say that if the shot worked it would at least relieve that. UGH. We will wait and see....
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