Well school is well underway and went pretty much without a hitch. Jackson just loves school, he thrives while learning, having schedules, and keeping busy! He is a busy boy that needs activities to keep him focused and on track, so honestly we were all very excited about summer coming to a close and the new school year beginning. This also gives me lovely one on one time with my littlest peanut, Owen. It is hard to believe that I only have one child home with me now full time!
According to a recent survey by the makers of Excedrin®, 69% of parents, who have at least one child in school this coming year, say they are excited for their child’s first day of school. That doesn’t change the fact that 44% of parents also say they expect to get a headache during the back to school season. As a matter of fact, more than one-third of parents cite getting themselves (41%) and their children (43%) back on a schedule at the top of the list of things that might cause their headaches during the back to school season.
Since Jackson is still young, he is in first grade this year, our schedules aren't too terribly hard to coordinate. but I know the older the child gets, the more activities, sports, clubs and play-dates they will have and need to be organized. We have some friends that have a family of 10- talk about juggling schedules!! Phew, that gives me a headache just thinking about it!
Probably the most stressful thing about getting Jackson ready for school is the ridiculous school supply list we had to go on a scavenger hunt for. Not only does he need pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks, but he needs specific brands, colors, sizes and mass quantities. And of course NO ONE seems to carry the non-purple glue sticks that are on everyone's school supply list! This year we had to go to 3 different stores in order to acquire all of the supplies needed for his 1st grade class. talk about annoying. I'm not alone in this frustration, more than one-third (35%) of parents say shopping for school supplies give them a headache. With all the pencils, folders and notebooks, us parents should always remember to put Excedrin® on our back to school shopping list! lol!
I have to say though, I do LOVE our school system. They genuinely love their students and do their very best to keep the kids growing, learning and staying on top of the academic ladder. We are truly blessed. But no matter how happy you may be in one area, I am sure that there is always something your school could use to improve or upgrade, like supplies such as pencils and paper, computers or software and gym or sporting equipment. Here is your chance to make a change for your very own school!
In response to a survey given to parents, the makers of Excedrin launched the
“Help Your School Excel with Excedrin” sweepstakes, which is a fun and migraine-free way for
FIVE individuals to win $10,000 for their child’s school. For more information about the sweepstakes, and a chance to win, please visit the
Excedrin Facebook page!
In keeping with the back-to-school theme, this month’s giveaway package is meant to help parents stay organized, hydrated and migraine-free as you all adjust to hectic schedules and spend increasing amounts of time on-the-go. The lovely people of Excedrin are offering TWO giveaway winners a 2013-2014 academic planner and pen, a magnetic memo board and an aluminum tumbler!!
- Tell me in a comment what about the back-to-school season gives you a headache.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I am a paid Excedrin® Migraine blog ambassador. Compensation has been provided by Novartis Consumer Health, Inc., the makers of Excedrin® Migraine; my journey for a migraine-free experience is my own. I am a paid Excedrin® Migraine blog ambassador. Along with compensation, three giveaways were provided by Novartis Consumer Health, Inc., the makers of Excedrin® Migraine; my journey for a migraine-free experience is my own.
NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Runs 8/15/13 at 9:00:00 AM CDT to 9/15/13 at 11:59:59 PM CDT. Must be 18+, a legal resident of the 50 U.S./D.C., & have a valid email address & Facebook account. See www.facebook.com/excedrin for rules. To enter for free, hand-print your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, email address, and name of school, and mail to: “Help Your School Excel With Excedrin® - Free to Enter”, PO Box 11387 South Bend, IN 46634-