Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Am I the only one I know....

Oh how I can relate to this song "Migraine" by Twenty One Pilots. Not my type of music AT ALL, but the message and lyrics are right on.  In the midst of a migraine I have never ever felt more alone. I try to pray when I am in the middle of such pain, but I can't keep any sensical running thought in my head except "I think I am going to die. I think my brain is going to explode in my skull. Or maybe my Skull will explode because my brain is swelling larger then my skull can hold." I have these thoughts every single time. Now I just try and remember to at least add God to my sentences. "God please don't make my head explode. God I think I am going to die. God, please don't make my brain explode inside my skull." Rational thought is almost impossible in the middle of a migraine. This is the best I can do.


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