I have had a rough couple of days. I am beginning to notice my bad days seem to fall on weekends. Maybe because I try and do more since my husband is home from work. We like to do stuff and spend time together as a family. For the most part I am a homebody and me and the kids like to stick to routine. When we veer off routine the kids don't do too well, and it looks like me neither. lol.
But my baby also had tear duct surgery on Thursday, so that was super stressful. Stress is a major trigger for me headache wise. Now he has all sorts of drainage from the surgery causing him to cough and sneeze, his nose is runny so much and I am just stressing as all moms do. This doesn't help my head one bit. And now tonight my oldest son threw up all over his bed. UGHHHHHH.
I have not only been having more head pain in the back of my head, but my eye pain seems to have returned (BOOOOOOOO!!!) plus my cheek bones just ache and burn, and I notice my jaw has been hurting too. Maybe I do have some of that TN like Dr. D said I had. I really didn't think so, but i am noticing more and more facial pain lately.
Probably my most frustrating as of lately, is my recollection has been sooooo bad too. I can't remember ANYTHING anymore. It is so frustrating; I will be in the middle of telling a story and then have to stop mid way because I can't think of the word I was looking for. It is embarrassing and annoying. My husband is so patient, but I am sure it is frustrating for him too. I feel like I am a woman on menopause- only I am only 33. I used to have this strange talent that I could hear a song once or twice and i would know all the lyrics to it. I didn't have to even like the song. i just knew them all. Well tonight at my nieces bday party my brother in law brought out the guitar and everyone was singing along. It was so fun! But could I remember a single song lyric. No. I would remember bits and pieces and then just completely loose the rest. not so helpful or fun at a sing a long.
Tonight my mom was giving my head a rub, trying to help relieve some of my pain. This was always one of my most favorite things in the whole world. My mom is amazing at head scratches and rubs. I used to LOVE when she would play with my hair. I would fall asleep to it all the time. Well tonight she kept hitting trigger points in the top of my head and by my temple. I kept giving her more and more places she couldn't touch. It stunk. I hate that my illness seems to be getting worse instead of better. I used to be so normal.
So not only is my pain back and worse, but I am gaining weight, forgetting my words and can't spell. This sucks.
I always sleep with a fan on. Not for the cool air particularly, although that is nice. But I need the white noise. Wouldn't you know it, my fan broke. And it is the middle of February so who has fans in Ohio in the middle of February? No one. Thank goodness there is an App for that! I have been using my husbands itouch the past few nights and it is a life saver.
A Look Back at 2023
2 months ago
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