Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Best I've felt in YEARS

About a month ago Dr. D upped my medication dosage due to the increased head and facial pain. I am now at 600 mg twice a day.  This will be my last upping on this particular medication.  I can't go any higher.  If this doesn't work then I need to try something new.  I also complained about my weight gain, and she said that sometimes it happens until your body gets used to the medication and then you taper off. 

Well last week I went for my 4 week check up and it was so great!  I am still getting lightening flashes, but they are farther and fewer between.  I can clearly say that I have not felt this good in FIVE YEARS!  woot!!!!  I am not perfect, but doing so much better.  I have had one really, really bad breakthrough pain within this past 4 weeks.  There was a bad storm and the barometric pressure changed (one of my triggers).  The advil wouldn't shake it one little bit.  I had to take a hardcore pain pill I had left over from my ER visit and go to sleep for 3 hours to begin to feel better.  When I woke up the stiff neck, trigger point pain was back.  I talked to Dr. D about it at this last appointment.  She finally agreed to give me emergency pain pills and also a muscle relaxer to help in these bad times.  I hope to never need them, but I feel very relieved knowing they are safe in my closet if I do.

Oh!  And I have lost 5 pounds!!  I actually did a little cheer  when I stood on the scale at the office.  The nurse laughed at me and said that she doesn't get that all too often.  It looks like my hard work reducing carbs is working.  That and also my body might finally be getting used to this medication.  Very cool!

I actually am beginning to feel like a normal person again.  WOW.  You have no idea how bad your conditions were until they are fixed.  I am so greateful.  It sucks to have a diagnosis that may follow me the rest of my life.  But it makes it not so bad when I also have a great doctor and medication to help me (almost) forget about it.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhh BOY! That is wonderful! I hope it stays at a good point. I went through a similar thing and got my hopes WAY up and was hyper-excited, but it only lasted days and I descended back into the bowels of hell. My doctor said it was a false-euphoria common when using large doses of depakote and keppra, and I was using LARGE doses (as prescribed!).
I have my hopes up for ya'!!!!!!!
Love your blog, wish I was better at following and will try to do better.
ALSO wish I were better at dressing mine up and adding graphics and stuff like you do, I just ain't that smart!

Anonymous said...

Well, if I ain't just spoiled rotten! I got you added to follow to my personal e-mail! Thanks kiddo!
Dark Quill is my moniker for publishing stuff, thats what the jlday.net thing is, back before my head went to hell I wrote vampire/horror/poetry etc for magazines, friends, ebooks and even a coupla paperback anthologies.
Thats why the writing part comes easy to me, it is al of this fancy art and graphics stuff that looses me!

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