Woke up yesterday in a funk. Just had the feeling of melancholy that is hard to shake. The thing is is that it was a georgous 80 degree day here in Ohio. In March! That is unheard of. Yet I just felt sad. I baked in the morning which usually makes me feel better and then got the boys outside for a little Vitamin D that we all needed. The baby was exploring and having a great old time and then BAM! He got hit with the crankies. Now he couldn't shake it. He was crying something awful and there was nothing I could do to make him feel any better. Snacks. No. Cuddling. No. Oragel. Hmmmm..... maybe. Wait- no. He would just start to calm down and then the littlest thing would get him reeling again. His little scream when I am feeling yucky (OK, not so little) has a way that just needles into my eye and turns it with a knife. It is just the right pitch to bring on an ON attack.
My sweet neighbor came over with a cup of green tea and some nice company and that brightened my mood a little bit. It was like she just knew I needed it. Oh how lucky I am to have wonderful neighbors. When Owen (or me, to be honest) couldn't take it any longer we went inside for some nap time. He fell asleep in my arms, Jackson took a great nap without fighting me, and I had a solid 2 hours of quiet time. It was exactly what I needed. The rest of the evening was nice with the family, with only a little bit of in and out eye spasms.
Today I woke up feeling great, got to enjoy chapel time with my oldest in preschool and then headed for my Wednesday morning Bible Study. I wish they were every day, I feel so uplifted after. Then I had a nice visit with my other neighbor friend while the kids played in the yard. I have been missing these woman friendships all winter for sure! It is so good to have them back now that we are all out of hibernation. The bummer though is that i think I sat in the sun a little too long. I should have known better. Too much of direct sunlight and heat beating down on my head seems to be another one of my triggers. But I couldn't help it it felt soo gooooood! But now all night I am paying for it. Eye pain in and out in and out in and out. I feel like I am slurring my words because the pain gets so bad when I get those stabs. Took 4 advil and the stabbing and jabbing pain has reduced. Now I just have this strong firey burning in my cheekbones and around my eye. I took my carbamazepine an hour ago so I am hoping that will kick in shortly and will also help a bit. I know that I have my vicodin for emergency, but I am kinda afraid to use them. I don't want to go through them too fast and then have Dr. D feel like I am abusing them or something. Trying to hold off. I will be heading to bed soon and sleep is usually a good remedy for pain.
It always seems that when I say things have been great, I get a kick in the head. Boo. Let's just hope I over did it in the sunshine and things will be brighter and less painful tomorrow. My mom suggested I get myself a hat for being in the sun. I think I will have to listen to her.
A Look Back at 2023
2 months ago
Sorry the euphoria didn't last, sweetie. As far as the sun, I have found HUGE relief in the wrap around kind of dark tinted sunglasses (I have to get the ones the go OVER my regular glasses) and find they make light much more bearable. They aren't a fashion statement, mind you, but for me they are proving to be a lifesaver. I even wear them in doors quite often if it is bright and ESPECIALLY IF I am around flourescent lighting. I hope things improve.......
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