After my last appointment with Dr. D, my xray and CT showed I had a narrowing of the nerves in my neck/spine. With the researching I have been doing the term I keep coming across for the narrowing of the spine is Spinal Stenosis, and it sounds exactly like what she described. She is sending me for an MRI sometime this month to look at this more closely.
The CT also showed that my sinus's are "a hot mess", as Dr. D. calls it. She said that of the 5 sinus's in my head, every single one of them is 100% blocked. She is starting me on a heavy duty antibiotic to try and clear it up. We we reevaluate them again at my follow up appointment in a month. In the meantime I am to keep going with my physical therapy.
Follow up: 3 weeks later I was in the Doctor's office for my son (this is a family practice so we all go there) and I wanted to touch base with her on the status of my MRI. She happened to not be busy and have a few minutes to chat with me. She said the MRI showed that I DO NOT have spinal stenosis, thank goodness. Not sure why the other scans showed something different, but we will go with it.... But what the MRI did show was that my sinus's are still really bad, almost still fully blocked. She is especially concerned about my Sphenoid Sinus. This little guy is located right smack dab in the middle of your head behind your eyes. It is fully blocked. If not cleared up it can lead to major stuff like meningitis, and other things. She is putting me back on another, even more powerful antibiotic to hopefully clear it all up for good.
The headache pain that I am always experiencing is located right behind my left eye. plus I have other symptoms that lead her to believe that I may have a condition called Occipital Neuralgia. She is sending me to an Optical Neurologist for further assessment. Apparently there is another trigger point injection that he could perform in his office to help with that and also to help determine if I do indeed have this disorder. So on to my very first neurologist.....
A Look Back at 2023
2 months ago
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