So after watching about a gillion videos on youtube about Trigeminal Neuralgia I am about 98% sure that I don't have it. That's a good thing! I don't have the kind of pain that all of these people are describing. Although I do live with daily chronic head pain, I wouldn't describe it at all like the way these doctors and sufferers do. Their pain is excruciating and completely debilitating. They can hardly eat or brush their teeth. It hurts to wash their face, etc. etc. Although I do notice odd things; yesterday while putting on make-up my cheeks felt like they had sunburn on them after rubbing with my powder puff (I am still pale as snow white), or while brushing my hair with a bristle brush, my scalp is sore and feels like it burns a bit. I couldn't say that it is excruciating, just strange and uncomfortable for a little while. But then again I am feeling this while on my meds so maybe it is decreasing the pain? Maybe my trigeminal nerve is inflamed or something, but I don't think I have this full blown condition. *phew*
I DO agree with Dr D's diagnosis on Occipital Neuralgia though. After my all of my research and study, all the youtube videos and countless conversations with other sufferers on my ON support group, my pain is just like theirs. It isn't as severe as some and more then others. But the locations, and type of pain is like listening to myself.
My medication seems to be working really well over all. I don't have all day, constant pain as I did before the change. Actually today and yesterday I have had hours of pretty much pain free! It's amazing! I am pretty sure that Dr. D will want to increase my dosage because even though I am having good days, I am having many bad ones as well. It seems like just as I get my hopes up, I'm feeling great and think "This Is It!" And then I have follow up days of yuck. Maybe I am still adjusting to the meds, who knows.
Tomorrow afternoon I go for a CT Scan to follow up my sinus's and then Thursday I see Dr. D to discuss everything. We'll see what happens.
A Look Back at 2023
2 months ago
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