Monday, January 2, 2012

So what exactly IS CDH and NDPH anyways?

Chronic Daily Headache Syndrome is a neurological dysfunction that presents itself as a headache that lasts at least 15 or more days a month. New Daily Persistant Headache is actually a branch off of CDH, it is a sudden onset of intense headache pain that lasts a minimum of 3 months.  These two are very closely related and are now almost considered one in the same because most sufferers of CDH have a headache 24/7 just like NDPH.

I am often asked what it really means.  Like do I really have a headache every single day and how many headaches do I normally get? The answer is yes, I REALLY DO have a headache every single day.  And as for amount, I have had One.  The same one.  It just never ever went away.  I always have pain in my head.  Before my GP put me on preventative medication my daily standing pain level was at a 6-7.  That is near migraine pain, nonstop.  Now that I am on preventatives, my daily pain has been held at a "comfortable" 2-3.  I say "comfortable" because after almost 5 years of the same pain in the same place I am able to go about my day pushing the pain to the background.  I have to!  I am a stay at home mom and I have two children at home with me that I care for every single day.  As much as I would like to lay in bed and sleep off the pain some days, it just isn't possible.  Pushing through the pain is essential.

I think the very best description I ever heard for New Daily Persistent Headaches was it described as a bright light controlled by a dimmer switch. It gets brighter and brighter (intensifying the pain) and then dimmer. And then back again. But it never gets shut off completely.  When I read this I was like YES!  That is exactly how it is!  


hendrik said...

I've been suffering from NDPH now for more than 3 years. Treatments with antidepressiva didn't help at all. May I ask what medication you are taking to reduce the pain?

Thank you.

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