Up through the today, I have been keeping an informal journal, jotting down notes in my headache journal (although not frequently enough) and updating my pain/medication/breakthrough headaches on my facebook support group pages. But nothing all in one place. That is what this blog is intended for. I wanted a comprehensive guide, if you will, on my ups and downs, plus a place for my doctor to check up on me (Hi Dr. D! *waves*) , or if one of my doctors, etc asks me a question about my recent or past pains, how my new meds are working, etc. I can actually tell them much easier instead of fumbling through my foggy, at times, brain. I am hoping to get everything up to date this week. But that is why you see dates listed in so many of these blog posts. I was originally going to set them at the date that I was experiencing each event, but this just seemed easier. Thanks for your patients :)
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