December 30- I found that in the middle of the night I got this "off" feeling and has a bit of nausea. But probably the most annoying was I had a bit of insomnia! I had the hardest time falling asleep and then staying asleep. OK, I am only on day two, and on a really low dose (I am slowly working my my way up). But I am feeling a bit hopeful. In the spot behind my eye where I have had my most intense, constant pain for the past 5 years I now can best describe it as a "void". I am so used to constant pain, with shooting pain on and off. And since last nights pill I have zero pain or pressure! It is amazing.
I always would tell my husband if I could just take a knife and cut out that one spot I would feel so much better. Well now it is as though exactly that has happened. That is why I used the word "void".
December 31- So as of today: no nausea today and also no insomnia last night. I took my pill 4 hours earlier then the night before in hopes of offsetting the sleep disturbances, and I think it worked. I also feel much more chipper and less frazzled then usual. May have to do with less headache pain or could be the meds- who knows. But so far I am loving this stuff. I want to go hug my doctor. After 5 years of no one knowing what was wrong with me, I was at first very discouraged and afraid with her diagnosis. But as long as I have a med that actually works, I guess it isn't such a scary outcome. Until next Wednesday I am at 100mg a day once a day. After that I jump up to 200mg twice a day so I can only imagine how it will work even better then. At least I would assume so! One thing I have noticed that although I no longer have the pain behind my eye and the back of the head, I am acutely aware of my cheek bones. I know that sounds weird, but it is a strange feeling. They don't necessarily hurt, but I do have a constant "sensation" and slight tenderness. Almost like sinus issues. The Trigeminal nerve is located there and this drug is specifically used to treat that one. So so far it is definitely working on the occipital nerve but I think I need to up the dose to notice it working on the trigeminal.
January 1- I get to move up my dosage on Thursday. I've noticed I still have headaches, but in all new places then I ever had before. Its weird. But I hope those settle up some once the stuff is fully in my system and I am on a complete dose. This may be vain, but I must admit I am glad weight gain isn't a side effect for this medication! Honestly I think I would have told her I wanted something else if I was going to gain 30 or 50 pounds....
so far I don't feel trippy at all on this stuff. But I do have lower backache that is uncomfortable and annoying.
later in the night of January 1- Ok, it has been a few hours and now the whole side of my face/head is in serious pain along with my new lower back pain (medication side effect) so I decided to take some pain pills. AHHhhhhhhh. So nice to get some relief finally! I never take narcotics for this stuff, but tonight I just couldn't take it any longer. Glad I finally caved.
A Look Back at 2023
2 months ago
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